Due to the high-quality, personalized maternity care that midwives provide, many people assume that hiring an Ontario midwife is expensive and unaffordable. That couldn’t be further from the truth. First of all, midwifery care is free! This is true whether you have OHIP or not. Midwifery care is funded by the Ministry of Health and […]
Are Midwives as Safe as Doctors? YUP.
In Ontario, registered midwives are regulated by the College of Ontario Midwives. This means that midwifery care is quality controlled by the same mechanism as doctors and nurses. Midwives order all the same routine blood, urine and ultrasound tests as doctors. Midwifery care is paid for by the Ministry of Health just like the care […]
5 Questions to ask your care provider once you’ve peed on that stick…
So, you’ve had your suspicions, your cycle is a bit late, your breasts may be tender. Now, the little window in the stick is staring up at you with its two lines, or a plus sign, or happy face, so many stick choices these days. You are all at once elated, scared, dumbfounded, etc. Now […]
5 Tips to preventing infection in pregnancy.
We live in a time where we have all heard the term “Superbugs” but what are they? How can we protect ourselves and our families? What are we supposed to look for? When we think of bugs, most of us can already feel our skin crawl. Whether it be insect bugs that we can see […]
15 Tips for nausea and vomiting (morning sickness) in pregnancy
Nausea and vomitting in pregnancy is often called morning sickness even though it doesn’t only happen in the morning for many people. It is actually a really positive sign that pregnancy hormones are high and doing their thing. That usually means that you are less likely to have a miscarriage. Great! But you are however […]
5 types of people who think midwifery care is not for them. Which are you?
1.You believe that midwives are not “real” health care providers and are not safe. Midwives in Ontario are regulated primary health care providers. We have extensive training which you can read more about here. Midwives are regulated by the College of Midwives of Ontario Midwives just as doctors are regulated by the College of Physicians […]
How do you become a midwife, anyway? Did you do a weekend course?
Yes, someone actually asked me that. In short, no. A degree in midwifery is not a weekend course. Long story, well, long… Midwifery is a four-year Bachelor of Health Sciences degree. In Ontario, the Midwifery Education Program (MEP) is a consortium offered through three universities: Laurentian University, Ryerson University, and McMaster University. ~90 students are […]
Thank you for facilitating a miracle in my living room. I can’t wait to do it again…
Dear Genia, Do you sometimes – every day, perhaps – feel like the only sober person at a party? Perhaps weepy, slurring drunks are not the most appropriate comparison for pregnant women and new mothers, but then again, if the shoe fits. Every time I leave an appointment with you I wonder if you have […]
Pregnant and want to eat well? 10 ways to help you eat better and save money.
When did eating get so complicated and expensive? I have to say that talking to people about “A healthy diet” drives me bananas. The issue has gotten so incredibly and needlessly complicated. People do not know what to eat anymore and this is further complicated by our incredibly busy lifestyles that eat up so much […]
Pregnant? Have Stress? Tips for Slowing Down to Breathe
Pregnancy can be a great time in one’s life. Even if you chose to become pregnant and are happy about it, it is often a time of stress as well. It can help to regularly take a minute to slow yourself right down and take a moment to really breathe. We often have to strain […]
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