How is your Pelvic Floor behaving? Ok, I’ll take a second to ask; Do you even know what your … [Read More...]
Fresh from Our Blog

Breastfeeding Tips and Tricks
Based on Public Health Canada’s “10 Valuable Tips for Successful Breastfeeding” Are You thinking of … [Read More...]

Tips for setting up a birth pool
Slipping into a birth pool filled with warm water in between contractions that are getting longer, … [Read More...]
At Generations we provide personalized, quality maternity care to people in the Brockville, Kemptville and Smiths Falls area. Explore the website to learn more about our clinic, our midwives, and what you can expect when receiving midwifery care. If you are learning about midwifery for the first time, Considering a Midwife? is a great place to start.
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