August 1-7 is World Breastfeeding Week (#WBW2017). The theme for World Breastfeeding Week is working together for the common good to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
One of ways that we can meet those goals is by ensuring that all parents have access to good quality information when deciding how to feed their babies. Midwives support informed choice. Informed decision making is a process. Understanding informed decision making in infant feeding will help one to understand what questions can be asked to help make informed decisions about other aspects of your family’s health care.
You might ask about the benefits of breastfeeding and the risks of medically unnecessary formula feeding. You might also wonder, what’s in it for me?
If breastfeeding is a struggle, there are several options for feeding a baby. And if one chooses or must formula feed a baby there are many excellent resources to help.
Some people feel pretty strongly about breastfeeding in public. People in Ontario have the right to feed their baby anywhere at anytime. Check out one woman’s great spoken word performance on the subject, “Embarrassed.” Feeding your baby is hard enough without feeling embarrassed, pressured or ashamed. No matter how a baby is fed, parents deserve information and respect. This week, consider posting your support with #WBW2017 on social media.
Genia is a registered midwife and lactation consultant (IBCLC) with Generations Midwifery Care. You can find out more about Genia here.